SNL Macy's video

                                                                                                                          Emma Archer
SNL's Macy Ad Video

Recently I watched the parody of a Macy's add that SNL (Saturday Night Live) did and I thought it was really relatable. Kids screaming because their clothes are uncomfortable or don't fit right really resonates with both kids and parents. The struggle that they portrayed is so annoying every year that it makes me wonder why people go through it at all. But what I really want to focus on is how it connects to commercials today. It is satire for the traditional macy's ad and the stereotypical views of holidays in general with families perfectly lined up in a photo all wearing their pretty holiday outfits when in fact that's not completely true there's more to it and this is something that I feel like commercials go with the stereotype of having a perfect holiday or family occasion because of their product. Not only that but the comedy ad either intentionally or not pointed out flaws in Macy's ads. SNL features women of different  body types while women in normal Macy's ads are all shown to be happy and slender. Showing that not only do you need to have their products to be skinny but its playing on insecurities we have about our bodies. In a mother's and family friends ad of Macy's all the mothers are young and unrealistically skinny which does not properly represent all mothers. Macy's is using this to say that you are not young or skinny enough but with their product you can be. Not only that but the people in the ad are happy so its showing that you need to fit this ideal body shape and beauty and wear their product in order to be happy. Although macy's did have a plus size fashion event, this inclusivity is not shown in their ads which reach a greater amount of people. I have seen many Macy's ad but not one did I see a fashion event as mentioned above. I only came across it after a while of researching their ads. This lack of advertising the fashion event can also point towards their beauty standards but for them be used an an excuse to say that they're not promoting an unrealistic beauty standard .SNL was able to show what a realistic family holiday event was like and properly represent more people in the process. I highly reccomend you watch it.


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