
Why is music important to us? Music is an essential part of our culture it's apart of our daily lives and has been with us as long as we remember. Well for one humans most likely learned to make music before we learned to speak so it's essential for communicating and expressing ourselves. (Fun fact although we don't know when humans first started making music the first music melody known is Hurrian hymn No.6, the oldest full music piece is "Seikilos Epitaph" which was found engraved on an old marble column used to mark a women's gravesite.)  Music allows you to express social ties and strengthen our connection to one another. Music is also linked to learning. Learning takes place in development of music skills and in the connection between music an emotional experiences. Music can have functional purposed too like promote human well being by encouraging human contact and imagination. Music can also be used to talk about politics and bring issues to light like the song "This is America by Childish Gambino which talks about the fact that while some American are dancing and worrying about brands like Gucci they're ignorant to things like the choir shooting, and problems with police in black communities. Despite the fact that the music we like is appealing it doesn't stay the same. It evolves with our culture being a little bit of what it used to be along with the new changes of the culture. This is shown through different genres. Classical, rock country, jazz, alternative, and rock  which all came about at a different point in time. Each musical evolution is a good timeline to look at and see the changes in our culture overtime. Music's cultural significance makes it important to the human race. 


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