Iran Trump Conflict

Iran Trump conflict: Versions of the Story Reported by the Washington Post and Fox News
The Conflict between Trump and Iran consisted of Trump who had Solemani killed, the general behind the Qoas forces and second most powerful person in Iran. This being a big story, it was covered by many news outlets. This controversial event also showed different opinions on weather the action should have been take or not and this is shown through different news outlets who have reported on the matter. Different media sources with different political backings. Fox news and the Washington Post are a good example of different opinionated pieces. While Fox news said that killing Soleimani was a "game-changing military attack". By using the phrase game changing Fox News is putting a positive connotation on the event that occured as game-changing is typically viewed in a positive light being understood to be game changing for the right side or person. On the other hand the Washington post said that there was "Little to no imminent attack...killing Soleimani was illegal" and "...imminence is crucial under domestic and international law" The Post saying that the act was illegal puts a very negative viewpoint as the denotation of illegal is doing something against the law. This puts a negative spin on things because no one wants to see the president committing acts that are against the law that he is supposed to enforce. The imminence of the situation is what many claim is the line that Trump crossed, so the Washington Post calling that line  crucial further emphasized the illegal action he is being accused on this further gives a negative outlook to the president's choice against Iran. As you can see despite reporters supposed to be investigating the truth they still sway that truth in a way that shifts it in favor of their viewpoint which is not true neutral reporting of the facts. These events are unethical because it shifts the post of trustworthiness by going aroubd honesty. They are reporting the events as they occurred but they are skewing the truth of how bad the situation is by using words known to have negative connotations and denotations.
Articles linked down below if you wish to check them out.

Fox News:

The Washington post:


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