Dating sites

Dating cites Good or Bad
Although many dating cites show themselves to be a good experience this may not be the case as CNN reports that online dating lowers self esteem and increases depression. The article talks about how more people's desires online are shifting towards short term sexual relationships. This is one of the ways people can get rejected. Rejection is the main problem because it's faster to get rejected on dating cites and therefore more likely to happen to you more often. something bad happening to you emotionally stimulates the same part of the brain where physical pain is processed. Because of this our brains aren't able to tell the difference between and injured body part and emotional pain which is why emotional pain is much larger than people tend to think. Dating online gives you more opportunity to feel rejected which can take a tool on how you feel about yourself. As CNN reported that a study on college student found that men and women on Tinder have less self esteem than those who don't use it, being less satisfied by their body and looks. also released a volunteer based study showing that 15% of singles reported feeling addicted to the online dating process millennials were 125% more likely to report feeling addicted as well. Men were 97% more likely to be addicted than women. This also connects to the 2016 study showing a link between internet and electronics to depression. with all this being said Dating cites have a more negative than positive impact on its customers. Information found on CNN article link is listed if you are interested.


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