Anne with an E
Anne with an E is a great show one that I have come to really like. The main character is Anne a young orphan girl but miscommunication sent to the Cuthberts when they asked for a boy to work their farm Green Gables. Anne seems strange at first but overtime many other characters who some in contact with Anne come to lover her whether it be for her imagination, level head, her way with words or how much she cares for others. Anne's iconic personality eventually got her the name Anne of Green Gables. So far I have only watched one season but this one season was enough to show me how much she had grown through the season since first coming to Green Gables when she first came to Green Gables she struggled with her tragic past and heavily relied on imagination to get through life by imaging stories or imaging that the world was better like one example where instead of dealing with the pain of not knowing her parents she imagined that they were apart of the royal guard. But as Anne got to know more of the people of green gables and now knows what it feels like to be apart of a family she started to rely less on imagination and see the people and the old around her as beautiful. Overall her positive experience with her new family and town shifted her viewpoint and she now is able to really see the world and doesn't completely rely on imagination to keep going.

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